Clementine Series

We LOVE read-alouds!  Jake often reads to all of us before the girls go to bed, and I read to the girls during lunch when we are not running too, too late.  While Jake reads books like the Little House series and devotional-type books, the lunch selections are usually just fun, fun, fun.  I am not good at titles, but we often read books about princesses and other such fantasy.  We just recently finished a series of three books, though, that had the girls rolling in their seats (I should be careful with my words – that seems to imply that they actually sit in their seats!).

clementineThe series is about a girl named Clementine, by Sara Pennypacker.  There are three books that I know of.  She is a funny girl with a very peculiar way of thinking.  She admits that she is always being told to pay attention, but she claims that she is paying attention – just not to what everyone else is paying attention to!  While she has her own way of doing things, she is not disrespectful of her parents, like other books that I have seen of this sort.  She is genuinely loving and compassionate to others, which does lead her to do things like help her friend cut her hair off when she gets glue stuck in it (though the girl’s mother was not so appreciative!).  She did help to color it afterward, too…orange… with permanent markers!

I do need to say this about these books:  I would NOT give them to my daughters to read.  There were a couple of spots in each book that I had to censor out.  For example, she talks about seeing the janitor and the lunch lady kissing in a car.  May not be a big deal, but not something I am ready to explain to the girls.  It is really easy to “spot” these lines coming and cut them out.  Still, all-in-all, a great read-aloud series!

Lest you think I completely lack depth, the book I am currently reading to the girls is a biography about David Livingstone, the missionary to Africa in the 1800’s.  We plan to enjoy several bios of missionaries this year as we study geography.


  1. Rebecca said,

    September 10, 2009 at 8:31 am

    I’ve always thought you’ve lacked depth. Don’t try to cover it up with some book title lady. I know you too well.

  2. Julie said,

    September 10, 2009 at 3:12 pm

    This is GREAT news 🙂 I read to the kids before nap – right now we ARE reading little house series but I love the thought of having these books ready to go on the back burner. . – Also great to know that they’re only read a louds. Now that Josiah reads books well – it’s getting hard to give him just any book to read. He’s not just looking at the pictures anymore! – thanks kathy!

  3. Grandma Valentine said,

    September 15, 2009 at 2:10 pm

    This is great knowing you care so much about what your girls read. I know they enjoy the Country and Reminisce magazines I get. It is nice that they want to learn about ” the good old days” and love to read. I really enjoyed listening to Jake read to the girls before bed. Books have so much for us.

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